Frequently Asked Question about Slab Leveling with Polyurethane

When embarking on any construction project, customers naturally have numerous questions to gain insights into the process and what to expect from their chosen contractor. This holds for those considering slab leveling with polyurethane. Here, we address some common questions that customers often have during the evaluation of the process.

Frequently Asked Questions about Slab Leveling with Polyurethane:

1. How does slab leveling with polyurethane work?

Slab leveling with polyurethane is a straightforward process. Polyurethane, a specialized geotechnical system, is designed to compact and densify soils. With expansive capacity, it is injected below a slab to re-establish the load into the soil. As it expands, it lifts the concrete upward, leveling the slab effectively.

2. Does it require excavation?

No excavation is needed with polyurethane. The process involves drilling small 5/8″ holes, less than the size of a penny, through the slab to provide access for the polyurethane injection. These holes are then covered with a cement grout to address any potential aesthetic concerns.

3. How long does the process take?

While the curing time varies, geotechnical polyurethanes typically reach 95% capacity within 25 minutes. This means that the treated area can be driven over just 25 minutes after completing the project. Project duration varies based on the size and complexity, with typical residential projects lasting anywhere from 2 to 8 hours.

4. Does polyurethane harm the environment?

Considering the injection of polyurethane into the soil, environmental concerns are natural. However, the geotechnical polyurethanes we use are environmentally inert, ensuring they do not release chemicals into soils or water. In specific formulations, they meet NSF-61 ANSI safe drinking water standards, indicating that the polyurethane can be in contact with drinking water without contaminating it.

5. What is the cost?

While the cost depends on the project’s size, it is notably more affordable than replacement. Considerations should also include additional costs such as excavation, time, and potential disruption to your structure over a period. Comparatively, polyurethane slab leveling proves to be a cost-effective solution.
Have more questions? Get in touch with the Slab Fix team today to discuss your slab leveling needs.

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