How Much Time Does Concrete Lifting Take?

If your concrete is settling and is no longer level, polyurethane injection can help you- and fast! Excavation used to be the only solution for concrete leveling, but those days are no more. Excavation is inconvenient for you as it is noisy, disruptive, and takes quite a bit of time to complete. This could displace your family, your business, or traffic, depending on where the concrete you need to work on is located. Many concrete lifting jobs using polyurethane can be completed in as quickly as a single day. Some may even take less than an hour, assuming the conditions are perfect. You can drive on concrete leveled by NCFI polyurethanes after 25 minutes. The amount of time required varies based on the size of the project, however, polyurethane foam cures quickly. Not only are these polyurethane options quick solutions, but they are long-lasting and minimally invasive.
Polyurethane injection is done through small, carefully placed holes in your concrete structure, which are patched with concrete after the job is complete. Through these holes (about the diameter of a nickel or smaller), the foam is placed. Then it then expands, lifting and compacting the soil, and then lifting the concrete back to its original level. This process can also be called foam jacking and is similar to mud jacking. Mud jacking, however, uses a mixture of soil, sand, concrete, and water to lift your concrete structure. Mud jacking takes more time to complete, as the mixture used has a longer cure time than polyurethane foam.
An example of an important and efficiently done concrete lifting job is the Chicagoland Apartments in Meadows, Illinois. This complex had voids beneath it caused by the wetland soil that occurs naturally there, as well as breaks in the water and sewer lines over the years. A quick repair was necessary for this job, as there were many tenants living within the complex. The polyurethane foam known as Terrathane 24-003 was injected into the voids beneath this building, filling them and lifting the concrete slabs back to their original grade. This project was completed in just a couple of days. Another example of polyurethane foam injection solving problems fast took place in Fort Thomas, Kentucky. A portion of an asphalt walkway collapsed next to a water treatment facility. The hole was 6ft x 8ft x 5ft and was successfully filled with a polyurethane solution known as Strata-fill 24-070. The void was filled within one day, and the concrete structure was safely restabilized.
In all, concrete lifting can be a quick and time-efficient process when using polyurethane injection. Get in touch with Slab Fix today to learn what your options are. Polyurethane injection may be the solution for your concrete repair needs, and your needs could be met in much less time than the alternatives.

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